Friday, December 9, 2011


I feel ashamed, what a title to start huh well read for your self and you will see why .this past Monday i saw something that made me really sad but extremely disappointed it. On my way to work in the morning i went thru my normal routine, getting my stuff ready, making sure i had my computer, notes, note pads pens, my coffee mug and all that. got in to my service van and it was a cold, cold morning,  i turned on the heater and Usually i don't wait for it to start heating the van but for some reason that morning i did. as i waited it a few minutes the heater started it to get the van warmed, i proceed it to get on the road. as i got into my main street, i was coming up to a green light and as i got closer i realized that there was a Man Walking in the middle of the main street, he had a long cane and immediately knew that he was BLIND and he somehow had gotten out of the pedestrian walk way and was now right in front of my van, the man had already started it to cross the intersection the light was green as i said, so i immediately put my flashing lights, completely slowed down my van and as i made an attempt to stop my van to get off and help this man i realized that there were cars coming behind me and if i did i was going to cause an accident, but at the same time i had this man just wondering on the lane not knowing where he was and where he was going. So i did the best thing i could do at the time, i follow him very closely i used my van as a shield in an attempt to protect him. he did not knew i was behind him, as all this was unfolding suddenly i realized that there were other people around standing at the gas station nearby or in their cars waiting for the lights to change but yet No One seem to know what to do or what may be more SAD no one Seem to Care. this whole story took a minute or two but in the midst of it all to me it felt like eternity, finally as this man finishing crossing the intersection a young man pull over and guide the poor soul back onto the side walk from there the poor man made it to a bench and waited for the buss where he got in and was on his way. As i pulled into the gas station I stayed in my van for a few minutes just thinking about the whole thing, i have not felt so sad in my life, here was a man's life in danger he could have got it hit by someone, he could have been killed! But yet the rest of the people around me except for the young man that help to the man back into the side walk, no one else seem to care at ALL. i taught if i should go introduce my self to the blind man while he was sitting in the bench waiting for the bus, so i could let him know of what had happen, but i did not wanted it to brag or did not wanted him to make me feel like hero. I felt SHAME because all i could do for him was to protect him while he walk across the street. I felt shame for all the people who saw this and did nothing, i felt shame that as human beings we don't react to the needs of others specially those who need us the most. I don't know this man's name and never will, i don't know if he was born blind, i don't know if he is married or has wife and kids or what he does for a living. But one thing is for certain He is some one's Family member. and someone would have been affected it if he was hurt! i went into the store got my coffee and i played all this in my mind for a few minutes, i realized i was taking my time today for this reason, God knew this was coming up, he knew that someone need it to be there to assist this man and it all worked out just in time. But also i taught this was a test by God to all those that were there at the intersection before i was. to all those who saw this as it happen before i did, all failed the test. Listen I'm not out to make my self a hero please don't look it this way. I feel ashamed even today because i think of all those time when i could had help someone and I CHOOSE to be on my way instead. Please don't be like those people sitting there going about their life's and miss the opportunities that God puts in front of you to help others. Please wake up and change your habits you never know how God will use you to affect the lives of others unless you Open up your self to God. Till this day i was just like you, busy, busy and busy. But after this I'm going to do what i can to stop and take more time to look around and see how is God trying to communicate with me and how he can use me to help others. Wont you do the same, I pray to God that you will. God Loves you.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving Time.

With only a couple of days left till we celebrate thanksgiving day here in America. Its time to reflect what I'm i thank full in my life or in this year. There is so much that has happen in my life in this year i dont even know where to start. Im thank full for my job, i went thru a change at work that has been interesting to say the least but at the end of the day im thank full that i have a job. Although my work hours have decline so much and that has brought financial challenges in our household we remain faithful that in the end things will work out the way Jesus Christ has it planned. Im Thank full for my family and i talking about my parents, brothers and sister, aunts and uncles and cousins that play such an important role in my life. My family inspires me to become a better person they remind me to stay humble and stay faithful in times of struggle and overall all they showed me they love me for who i am inside and that they don't want nothing for me in return. they just want to be apart of my life. Im thankful for the blessings in disguised that have come our way. this year we have been dealing with a situation at home with one of our children and that has resulted in having our granddaughters living with us. on one hand we are very sad, concern, not at peace and we pray that Gods will will be done and that soon our whole family will be reunited it again. In the meantime we have our granddaughters living with us and they are so great, so loving, so caring, so full or energy and laugh and giggles. they great me with all their heart when i come home from work and they want to be by my side all the time and that my friends that is the kind of love that you cannot buy with all the money in the world.... Im thank full for my wife she has been such a great inspiration for my life and a great supporter of mine. She has more faith than what i have and she can handle stress full issues better than i do sometimes. to my wife thank you i cannot repay you all that you do for me and all the you do that i dont see even if i want to see. I love you with all my heart. Im thankful to GOD for my kids altought a lot of time they are a pain in the you know what. because they are at the im soon to be an adult stage. so it gets pretty difficult to be able to reach them at their level. But deep down inside i see the good in all of them, despite what they show on the outside i know they have a good heart and that they are truly good kids all they have to do is allow God to work on their lives. Finally im so thankful to GOD for all the GOOD and BAD received this year. im thankful for the Good favors in my life BUT IM MORE THANKFUL FOR THE BAD. let me explained because yes it sounds crazy. i dont know what the purpose of the bad in my life is. i dont know what God is trying to tell me or teach me and i dont know that i will be ever know. But i have to put my trust in God that the knows what best for me and my family and man that is hard to do. All the bad some how will always teach me something i just need to know how to pick up on it. Plus going thru like financial difficulties will teach me to be a better Stuart of my money in the future. when there are difficulties that i dont have any control of  it is teaching me to turn around and put my trust in God and give the problem to him. i still have to make sure that i do what i can to make the situation better but when is out of my hand then i need to put it in GOD's hands and have that attitude in my life. But also during all the bad i can say that the is a great form of encouragement to drive me back to GOD and overtime i pray that i can find a way to stay closer to him and not to part ways all the time. P.S. Thank God for my bring to my life my brother Rick who is a great inspiration and a great example of where i want my life to lead me and the type of person i want to be. So in this thanksgiving  take time to recount your blessings and you will see how many you have and have bless you are...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

obedience to Christ.

I started  a new chapter in my faith life. I am now being mentor in the faith by a wonderful man that is very inspiring. we just started it a couple of weeks ago but as he is mentoring me thru the scriptures there is something that keeps coming up. Obedience to Christ. there is a lot of this in the scriptures. However in our current world Obedience has become a second class citizen. Our mentality including mine is i am in control of my life and i don't need to surrender my self to none one especially God. However if one can take a step back and consider this. We do need God in our lives and we do need to become Obedient. But we have to do it because we want to do it and Not because we have to. Our heart has to be in it as well as our mind. This is the difficult task, to think that we have to relay on a super power that we don't know personally or meet or can see or touch or feel to know that is for real. Yet Christ said to st Thomas the apostle "blessed are those who believe and have not seen" or something like that. Think back to all those times that something happen in your live that you cannot explain or offer a logical explanation for. The time you had a close call in a near car accident or some other accident. That was the hand of God that deliver you from that harm of from worse harm. But yet we all say thanks God and move on to never think about Him again up until the time when we need Him then we remember that he is there and that he exist. So what it is to be obedient? john 14:21 said say so clear it. " he who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my father and i will love him and manifest my self to him." so not only are we to know what is good and wrong but God wants us to show that we can stay away from sins, from doing the wrong things to others, by coming closer to God, by raising our families with God in our home and in our hearts and by developing a special relationship with God and by doing so we are showing Obedience. Looking at it from that point it does not look so hard at all. Right!!!  Well then what are you wainting for, start today by doing something small and you will see that in a matter of time you will be doing bigger and better things and your faith will grow so much but overall You will feel the presence of God in your everyday life. So go on and make a change for the better after all your soul and your families souls are on the line!!!God Bless and God is GOOD.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Catholics Rock! Ask Jesus.: My thoughts.

Catholics Rock! Ask Jesus.: My thoughts.: So i have been thinking for a while to start a blog, but not really sure how to do it or anything like that. Im not a computer geek, no offe...

Catholics Rock! Ask Jesus.: youth catholic conference.

Catholics Rock! Ask Jesus.: youth catholic conference.: Hello everyone, So i attended a youth catholic conference this past weekend that was put up by the Dioceses of Fresno ca. the conference was...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

youth catholic conference.

Hello everyone, So i attended a youth catholic conference this past weekend that was put up by the Dioceses of Fresno ca. the conference was giving in the visalia ca convention center. The theme of the conference was Mother Mary image of Truth! Here goes to show that God works in his own ways. i was not supposed to go to the conference, as i said it was for the youth, however my 3 teenage kids were attending and so i went to drop them off at church, to make long story short. My parish was in need of a driver so i filled in and drove a van to the conference. its about a 2hr drive from my parish to visalia ca. when i arrived i was amazed to see so many young teens there and see that they were actually excited to be there. Of course there were some teens that did not wanted to be there and some that went because their parents made them too. But overall there were many teens that were truly happy to be there. We ( my parish group of adult catechist teachers and chaperone's, along with our youth ) attended 4 works shops and mass and i got to say i got a lot from this experience. As i said i had no intentions on going in the 1st place but once there i left the door open in my heart and i ask Jesus to help thruout the day so i could learn something from the conference and so that i could use whatever i learn in my daily life. Now let me explain something really quick i was tired i had about 4 hrs of sleep, i drove a van full of hyper active students that made the ride interesting to say the least. so when we arrived to the conference i was beat, i was not in the best moods ever i was not angry but i was not full of joy either. But none the less i had to shake it off and ask for the Holy S. to work on me and like i said it did. There were some works shops related to teens dating, teens self respect, love, attitude, Responsibilities, how to live life the way God would wanted us to etc. I must say i picked up a lot from that talk. Even though it was supposed to be for teens i could see how i fail to do some of those things in life and with my family. There was a work shop about the Blessed Mother and St Juan Diego and the apparitions and i must say i was ashamed not to know some of the basics regarding that. After all i grew up in Mexico till i was a teen but there is so much to know about the Blessed Mother and St Juan Diego that talk inspired me to know more. According to the Religious Brother that gave the talk if one wants to have a more deeper and meaningful relationship with the blessed mother, a good place to start is in the gospel of Luke. Also by talking to her, asking her to take our prayers to her Son. To look upon us during the good and bad seasons in our life and to do what mother do Best. Be there for us to encourage us to do better for our self's and to show us that she loves us. So i have started to apply some of the things i learn during this past weekend and i definitely have opened up my bible to the Gospel of Luke. From here on it its up to me to continue to encourage my self to get closer to God and i know that God has the door open waiting for me to come in. All i have to do is make that decision to once and for all give my life to Christ and he will take care of me and my Family. The hardest part is to do just that to surrender my self, but its definitely a journey that i want to continue to walk on. WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! God Bless.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My thoughts.

So i have been thinking for a while to start a blog, but not really sure how to do it or anything like that. Im not a computer geek, no offense to those great minds that know so much about the online industry and pc in general. You see im a mechanic by trade not a comp tech. But i felt move by God and specially the holy spirit to do this and a lot more. Recently my family and i came back to the catholic Church about 3 yrs ago or so and slowly but surely we been walking in our journey. sometimes easier for some of us and difficult for other members of my family. Catholicism is very though and very demanding there are so many things to follow and understand. Being Catholic is just not as easy as saying it. Hey im catholic! You have to be able to understand the teachings of Christ and its Bride the holy mother church and not only understand them but follow them as well. even though sometimes we just don't feel like it. But we have to trust God he knows what best, but like all things trusting God is a challenged for all especially for me. I would never thought that ill be where i am today, I saw my life as simple when i was in my early teens and now i see that God does have a plan for me and i have to trust him. I feel this very strong Call from GOD to do something great with my life for the purpose of bringing my brothers and sisters in Christ closer to him and welcome them home to Holy mother church. This is not so i become famous or a rock star this is so that i can some how some way inspired or move someone to walk with Christ. So Please come aboard and Join me but Specially Join Christ and pick up your cross and Follow God.